How To Prepare For a Mommy Makeover Surgery

With growing popularity and affordability of plastic surgery vacation packages, more and more new moms are opting for these transformation. Like any other cosmetic procedure, Mommy Makeover does require a lot things before the surgery. 
affordable plastic surgery vacation packages

Here is a short guide of all that do’s and don’t’s for the moms:

Before the surgery
  • Get a pre-operative physical tests done before your Mommy Makeover, to make sure that you are healthy enough to undergo general anesthesia.
  • Arrange for someone to help you watch your children, as you will have to rest for the days following your surgery and you will not be able to lift or carry your children for several days.
  • Go grocery shopping and buy easy to prepare food and snacks that are low in sodium in advance.
  • Buy all the painkiller prescriptions so that you do not have to worry about doing so after the surgery.
Make sure you don’t:
  • Take any medications or herbal supplements like aspirin and Gingko Bilboa. Consuming any such thing that thins the blood 2-4 weeks before your surgery, as this can cause increased bleeding during your Mommy Makeover procedure.
  • Smoke 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after your Mommy Makeover procedure, as smoking can interfere with both the surgical procedures and recovery time
  • Drink alcohol immediately before your surgery, as alcohol can complicate your Mommy Makeover and your reaction to anesthesia.
  • Shave the day before or the day of your surgery, as this can increase your risk for infection.
  • Eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your surgery.
This sums of things that you should take care before the Mommy Makeover is done.


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