At Home After-Care for Vaginoplasty

So you’ve got your vaginoplasty done, but did you think what happens after? Any professional surgeon for vaginoplasty in Cancun will tell you the importance of at-home vaginoplasty aftercare. Here are some aftercare tips that might come in handy. 1.Take medications. Antibiotics, laxatives (for constipation), anti-inflammatory drugs, etc., are some of the medicines prescribed by doctors. Refrain from popping pills during this time and take only those medicines that your doctor prescribes. You can even find doctors online for vaginal tightening in Mexico. 2.Take a shower after two days of vaginoplasty and nowhere before that. Clean the surgical wound with soap and water or as instructed by your doctor. It is vital that you don’t insert any device or other instruments inside the vagina. 3.Take as much rest as possible. It is crucial to rest and let your body heal post-surgery. Complete rest is advised for at least the first three days after surgery. The movement might cause wound disrupt...